well... this post is not about not working overtime and becoming smart! ... more than that... i am feeling like working overtime right now because my brain & mind have decided to act unlike Lord Krisn & Arjun in Mahabharata ... and because of that all my brain waves are getting mixed up... which means that this is the perfect opportunity for me to write a blog post! ... now... i know that there are some very intelligent people who like to spend some time on this blog and i have met some of them... and then i have a personal reputation of some kind... my point is that i can't simply let this mental mayhem get the better of me and write some piece of holy crap!
... but then, you don't just pull-out a decent blog post out of thin air or keyboard for that matter! you need some key ingredients like an author (could very well be a typist! who knows?), an idea (original will be a bonus!) and a plot (story wala plot... though buying a plot of land is another thing on my To-Do list... but then To-do lists don't work!! damn it!)... so coming back to pulling-out a decent blog post from...
... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. i've been watching this series since past week... after all these years i turned my contempt towards this "children's movie" into a curiosity... and thus started a journey of another kind... and i was not disappointed... initially... the vivid imagination of the author is impressive and translating that into visuals was done commendably... but all this was put aside by my mind... while my brain was still happy with the movie!... and it was entangled in the sub-plots... and then i started paying attention to my mind... you really can't sell a movie on the magic factor alone! there was a love story in there! and may i say more than one??...
... and you can't have love stories without a boy and a girl ... (okay! yes! you can have love stories of the other kind but that is out of the scope of this post!) ... and for some one who grew-up on a staple diet of Hollywood (thanks to Cable TV!) and verry typical Hindi movies... i found completely at ease enjoying and spotting the teasing and tension brewing between the characters... and various other emotions that usually accompany when you have love with cross-connections... or triangles as they say in the common language...
... triangles are pretty important shapes when it comes to building things! ever noticed bridges and ever rising skyscrapers? ... so how can a shape that is so important in building things be associated with the negative connotation when it comes to an emotion like love? maybe (just maybe!) we need a little more introspection on this aspect... i mean the love thing...
(to be continued)
... but then, you don't just pull-out a decent blog post out of thin air or keyboard for that matter! you need some key ingredients like an author (could very well be a typist! who knows?), an idea (original will be a bonus!) and a plot (story wala plot... though buying a plot of land is another thing on my To-Do list... but then To-do lists don't work!! damn it!)... so coming back to pulling-out a decent blog post from...
... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. i've been watching this series since past week... after all these years i turned my contempt towards this "children's movie" into a curiosity... and thus started a journey of another kind... and i was not disappointed... initially... the vivid imagination of the author is impressive and translating that into visuals was done commendably... but all this was put aside by my mind... while my brain was still happy with the movie!... and it was entangled in the sub-plots... and then i started paying attention to my mind... you really can't sell a movie on the magic factor alone! there was a love story in there! and may i say more than one??...
... and you can't have love stories without a boy and a girl ... (okay! yes! you can have love stories of the other kind but that is out of the scope of this post!) ... and for some one who grew-up on a staple diet of Hollywood (thanks to Cable TV!) and verry typical Hindi movies... i found completely at ease enjoying and spotting the teasing and tension brewing between the characters... and various other emotions that usually accompany when you have love with cross-connections... or triangles as they say in the common language...
... triangles are pretty important shapes when it comes to building things! ever noticed bridges and ever rising skyscrapers? ... so how can a shape that is so important in building things be associated with the negative connotation when it comes to an emotion like love? maybe (just maybe!) we need a little more introspection on this aspect... i mean the love thing...
(to be continued)