... writing a meaningful article on this blog was on 'To Do' list from quite some time... although i cannot promise that this article will turn out to be a meaningful for you... but then, i never promised it! ;-) or did i?
... “Keep your friends close and enemies closer” said the learned Sun Tzu, long long time ago… and clichéd as it may sound, this makes more sense in the current Red Ocean of Automobiles than good old times of ‘Leadership with Trust’ of Tata Motors... and before you start trolling with all your passion and spirit about me hinting the demise of the legendary JLR's owner... let me put it right... i'm not writing-off this company... yet!
... if Goldman Sachs says we've got potential then i believe we've got potential... and at the same time i believe there is always a danger of living in a state of delusion firmed with denial... seeing the recent trends, it can safely be said that the 'younger brother' is displacing us from # 3 rank far more often than what caused the initial saddening to our chairman... and perhaps to all of us...
... as if this was not enough to make us cringe... here comes their media onslaught... Live Young, Live Free
... Anand Mahindra one of the most active entrepreneur on twitter, tweeted about this video... and like one of the zillion other fans i pounced on the link... and after watching it, i'm sure that this year will no longer end the same way it was going to end... and no, i'm not going to do any of those things that you are thinking right now ;-)
... let's find our mojo back... amen!