... as it usually happens in the second shifts of mine... it starts with the fun and excitement and some skepticism about the 'life' and 'job' and stuff... and then in the midweek i am 'into the groove' and by the time it is weekend... i become so habitual to the nite routine that i remain awake from saturday nites to sunday mornings... result is... spinning head, growling stomach, blurry vision and truck loads of guilt of not managing the week productively enough ...
... silly guilts apart... i really look forward to this day of the week... i know everybody likes 'sundays' ... it's just that mine work week being for 6 days and i happen to be living close to 1000 miles away from those who care for me and love me without any preconditions and among those who are so indifferent that it makes me wonder if they ever experienced human emotions...
...i stumbled across this blog copla days ago... and it instantly reminded me of the reason i started my first personal website and first blog somewhere around 2002 when i was in college... and it just happened as a coincidence that this movie that i ended up watching last nite which had a similar conversation between 'Donna' and 'Stanny' ... "I think you should write stuff down not to be rich or famous or something... just to express ur self" ... i guess it pretty much nails the reason why anyone and everyone who has access to the internet has a desire to start a blog and many are very successful in this endeavour...
... as for the rumblings that Varun has posted in his blog... i guess he has 'read shelf loads of books' for that kind of 'wisdom' ... it all went over my head! :)
to give u some idea of his writing skills and wisdom herez some piece of his blog post:
"Cultivate a skeptical attitude. I have just made this up .If you believe it; start making a habit of always challenging new information, especially if it surprises you. Start with statistics. Trust yourself. Speak up. You might be right. Check yourself. In a class (world) full of creative fire (mind), where everybody knows the answer, winner is the one who raise hand to answer first.
Keep your creative fire hot and burned. However, Creative solutions and ideas don't always have to come from struggle and sweat. Innovation is sometimes right under your nose, around the corner, or back home where you grew up. Work like an investigative reporter. Get up and go get the facts.
Speak it. Dig it. Google it. Read it."
u must read the original and complete post on his blog... good work Varun... keep posting...
and hey! it's Vishal Barde's Birthday today! and so is Amitabh Bachhan's! :) ...
Thanks for acknowledging Atul..I was in need of a piece of encouragement to pen down my thoughts more frequently..nw I got one!! :-)