Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"One may calculate the value of a man from the number of his enemies." -Gustave Flaubert

... it's an old wisdom that u need to keep that ax sharp if u need to keep using it to cut the trees... and I guess it holds true with almost anything that u need for your survival on this planet... among other things, this metaphoric ax could be your mind...

... and this stark reality hit my face on twelfth of February ... the instruction were clear, report at 0900 hrs at the test center, which happens to be our Asia-Pacific HQ... February 12th was turning out to be one heck of a hot date on my calendar... I was supposed to appear for one of the most fabled talent management program conducted by Tata Motors - The Fast Track Selection Scheme a.k.a. FTSS... the only other program that comes closer to FTSS is TAS... however, TAS being a launch pad to other Tata Group companies as well, is not as fervently discussed in the circles here as is the FTSS...

... the morning was warm, though I could feel slight nip in the air... as we all waited there in the lobby, this HR lady walked in and suggested that we may take breakfast... we happily took the suggestion and filled our tummy with poha and sandwiches along with tea... got ourselves registered at the designated test and then waited... then waited some more... and even more...

... never in my life while appearing for any competitive test I felt so 'light' mentally... any more lighter and they would have to tie me down... the test was quite a learning experience... they all are... and since I was attempting this test without the pressure to clear it made all the difference... I could focus on things that I usually don't while appearing in exams... for example the computer monitors, AC ducts, absence of fans (duh!), chairs... u get the drift...

... u see... my objective for appearing for this test was not to clear it and succeed... my objective was to break the halo this test carried... the fable and stories and aura... I could see right through the clutter and make a mental note of how anyone should attempt this test... in other words... how I will attempt this test next time!

1 comment:

  1. But if you were not stressed "enough" then how it could be the "scaled" simulation of how the test (and test center) would appear next time, when you carry an intent to pass it as well !?
