Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Ordinarily men exercise their memory much more than their judgment." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

it may sound strange but every time i clip my nails, i feel the itch to write a blog post... now, i'm not saying that i only post when i clip my nails... i'm just saying that clipping my nails sends some type of 'feel good' signal to my brain as a motivator to write a blog post... and so here i'm...

... but then, sending a motivating signal to brain is one thing and keeping your mind focused on the blog post is another... because simply getting a motivation doesn't necessarily mean executing the task successfully or otherwise...

... and if that task is apparently non productive (say) writing a blog post... then it needs more than the 'feel good' factor to write ... eons ago when this started, there was a continuous (proverbial) fire in the belly... but it apparently cooled down as the my belly turned into 60 pack of semi-uniform spheroid... but as they say the legacy lives on... what a crap!

... there are atleast three 'topics' that i want to write about on this blog... one is about the Fast Track Selection Scheme of Tata Motors, other is about the Executive-MBA from SCMHRD and the third being about my infatuation about Penny (that's her screen character's name)...

... now i've attempted to write about the FTSS earlier... and given my (not necessarily detailed) understanding of past and current selections and the work that has resulted from it, i know i can wait for some time before i spill out my two cents...

... as for the MBA-Executive Education from Symbiosis Center for Management and Human Resources... well, i'm still a part of that program so... i can write about it in foreseeable future... eve though i'm itching to give them a piece of my mind!

... but nah!... this post is for Penny! and i will not be surprised if you don't get it!... unless you are from the western side of the imaginary line that divides the third rock from Sun into two halves... which will give you a slight advantage in guessing... the theory is that it all started with one big bang and things have never been the same...

... thanks to AVP who gave me his prized collection to watch... and which i forgot... so it just laid there... forgotten till that one day when out of sheer boredom and curiosity i decided to watch the series... and like millions of fans across the globe, i'm hooked to it... and this is despite the 'overdone' character of Dr. Rajesh Koothrapalli...  more on that and some other tidbits later on... right now i need some sleep!!


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