Tuesday, March 16, 2010

..."i'll be back"...

... i am too tied up with some stuff... shall be back with some 'matter-full' post... and in the meantime enjoy the pics of my B'Day gift... :-)


  1. Happy Birthday Mr. Piscean :)

    How did ya celebrate??

  2. happy bday... bt wats with the harward business review.. n r u showing off that u have a microwave.. :P

  3. @ Chanz - or may b thts also a bday gift ;)

  4. Hehehe... u never know what surprise it may bring..

  5. @Garima: celebrations were confusingly subdued... i mean besan ke ladoo with shakkar paare and a visit to the office cafeteria for hot CCD-Latte and Muffins and Pastries and then BlackForrest cake by my team mates... and as if this was not enough... a Perk from another friend... however wat made it special were the phone calls from my cousin, sis, grandma, HR, a school friend, a college friend... and couple of SMSes, some 'scraps' and shrikhand in dinner... can i ask for more? ... i am feeling hungry already... :P

  6. @Chanz: copy of HBR article made a perfect 'background' in otherwise my carefully planned disorganised room... and i love attention... so yes i was showing off with that oven... :-)

  7. @Atul - ahem...u missed out on some comments on your blog to wish u :P

    ab toh mujhe bhi bhook lag rhi hai :(

  8. ah! well... ladies... thank you so much for ur enthusiastic and involving readership and birthday wishes and comments and feedback and well... i guess that's it :P ... and ofcourse special thanks to Garry G for my sketch... although i am struggling to make it 'in-focus' ...

  9. ...Oh by the way....you can consider that sketch to be your birthday gift (itna toh mai kar hi sakti hu) :P

    and yeah....that's itt!! :D
