Saturday, March 13, 2010

... "we have a black hawk down, we have a black hawk down"...

... it was not my day today... immediately after stepping out of my room i had a gut feeling that i shld wait for some more time... basically not to go to office *this* early... however the devil inside me told me that if it is early i can always take the longer way... i get to drive on the road and it is always fun to do that...

... i almost had my first accident when an auto rickshaw driver decided to take the sharp turn after giving me signal to pass... one very hard braking later i thought mebbe this was what i felt uneasy for... however the worst was yet to come...

... with my company's main gate 500 mts away on a straight road... my car's tubeless tire burst ... pulling the vehicle towards left and hitting the pavement... i checked the damage... a large chunk of the outer rubber wall was hanging with scratch marks on the wheel rim... a bit shocked after the incident... i sat there in the car for some time... then called the dealer and he gave me the number of the local service station... i was told that the tire will be replaced *only* if it is a manufacturing fault *and* if it is in warranty... my first reaction was WTF ... i bought this car 7 days ago... what do u mean "If this is under warranty"?... i was told that that the dispatch will assess the damage and tell me if this can be replaced in warranty ... and i will be charged cool 500 bucks for that...

... to avoid arguments later i thought it wud be better if i pay these fellows from the service station as they can assess the damage 'first hand' ... however the help arrived in the form of a mechanic and his driver... only to replace the spare wheel... they had no way to judge if this failed tire can be replaced in warranty...

... so there i was ... mildly shocked... 500 bucks lighter... sweating in the summer sun... on a highway... beside my company's wall... along with my company's flagship product in passenger cars ... with a bitter taste in my mouth...

UPDATE:: ... i have uploaded the photos of the damaged tire ...


  1. somedays its good to pay attention to ur gut feeling..:)

  2. u bet! :)

    and welcome to my blog... :)

  3. OMG... I had my first accident when my car was 3 months old... gaaaah... A bus had hit it from the left.. Instead of white, the left side was now yellow and green colour.. :(

    and dont talk about auti walas.. I had a bad experience this morning... I want to kill all the auto walas... perhaps they do not have brakes in their autos.. :x

  4. The good thing is that you are safe...tyre can be replaced anytime...

  5. @Chanz: i think there shld be a legal support to stop and slap stupid autowallas... i am not labelling awl of 'em... but still i shld be able to flag an auto and then slap the driver... and then ask him to go... i am NOT a racist! ... auto drivers are not race drivers... :-|

  6. @Garima: after i realised that i am fine i was feeling bad about the wheel rim! :( ... the second reason i bought *that* car in the first place... :'(

    ... i need some explanation ... and i don;t care if God is man or woman! ;-)
