... every movable or unmovable entity in all the universes (including ours!) operates in a Cycle... you may call it with any name including the cycle of Birth & Death... i would like to call it The Cycle of Transformation ... IMHO there is no such thing as birth or death ... these are the, so-called, buzzwords... like the "Re-cycle" ... used so often and with such dispassion in today's vocabulary that their true essence has... ummm...died!
... all of us follow The Cycle of Transformation... and there are zillions and zillions of cycles within every individual entity... and not only that... these cycles of each entity follow their own timeline of low and high... and are influenced by the zillions and zillions of cycles of entities co-existing in their universe...
... and in case you are dangerously approaching that state of mind called confusion or boredom, i must assure you that this blog post will not let your mind fall into the abyss of unconscious wandering ... infact if you have made it through this far i must admit that you are able to comprehend english! ;-) ... alright! the reason i went into this 'philosophical' state of mind is that i am now under the dual attack of cold-n-fever ... actually it's more of cold and mild fever...
... so had to leave early from office... the doctor was unavailable and i can't find the last prescription i got from him; most probably i left it on the chemist counter... ate some over-the-counter stuff with large cuppa tea and popped some paracetamol... slept and now awake again... second round of tea with bourbon taken and guess wat? ... i started reflecting upon some things from past present and future... and ended up punching this stuff on the notepad...
btw i met a former colleague... who happens to be on a official trip to poona, for copla days... we met at the time of our joining this company... in dilli... apparently like all those people born and brought up in the 'Northern' part of the country... he couldn't take the gastronomical shock of maharashtra and add (or subtract) to it the delicate art of people management and u get a ' perpetual homesick'... so he left the organization and moved back to one of the trusted names in the 'cooling' apparatus... of course somewhere in north...
... coming back to the cycles... what i want to say is that we as humans have certain 'advantages' to 'understand' the reason behind actions and events that occur in the close vicinity (and sometimes in far away places) and then make use of this understanding to become more aware of what are we doing right now and how this will affect the future...
... which in more humble terms means whether to switch your job or go for higher studies as part time option or full time higher studies or continue with current company with newer assignments (by specifically asking for it) wagerah wagerah... i am getting a little weary and the flight path adjustment depends upon some of the factors which require more clarity... i do hope "this too shall pass" ... i am a patient man ... :-) ... and down with cold i can assure of that...
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