Thursday, February 17, 2011

..."Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it."...

One good thing about my grey matter is that it is holding up pretty neatly awl together… now that is not something I should brag about on my blog… especially when I have followers who have somehow mastered the art of keeping the billion neuron strong network together and electrified… and why only blog followers? I’ve been fortunate enough to have rubbed my online identity with zillion other people… and ironic it may sound these very grey cells have left me wondering and exasperated as well and on more than one occasion… but then… that is different story…

… I was pretty excited about the ninth day of this month … and you can read the trailing posts to know more about it… however the fire event @ Bombay House threatened to turn the mood towards the gloomier side but then the subsequent chit-chat left me in better sense of general well-being… which meant I was in a better position to concentrate on the travel bookings for my mom…

… February fourteenth usually puts me in a confused state … and my experience is that this topic is more philosophical than most people think, so I would stay away from it… and while a sizeable population was wandering here and there for some opportunistic moments, some of my family members were on their way to meet me in Poona… and this is a good thing… nothing beats the pampering by mom… and since my sis was also joining-in I knew I will be having some honest exchange of ideas on some mortal aspects I’ve been left wondering lately upon…

… so while I am spending time arguing debating defending fighting laughing and (sometimes) doing nothing … you enjoy the blog and don’t forget to leave your trail in the comment section… J

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