Monday, September 7, 2009

... How come i never thought of this before? ...

...the dots and dashes i mean!... i know u r clueless and it wud, of course, be my pleasure to elaborate... however before i do that ... lemme remind myself what i am going to write today? ... thinking of blogging? it is harder than it sounds but then u knew wat u were signing in for... no? oops! one of the best compliment i ever received about my blog was "i like ur blog because u don't try too hard to write" ... and of course it was from Pooz ... and then the 360 was pulled down! that was the oldest blog i ever maintained and it was getting snazzier by the day ... especially since January 10, 2009 ...

now the best thing about so many blog websites is that we the bloggers get so many options to pour out our heart! and thanks to the spread in Internet access across country and awareness among the gentry is helping generating this much chatter on the sites that u can vent out all and still remain inconspicuous in this vast amount of data and information... however... u must be careful in not disclosing the identity of people and their location ... just in case u get stumbled by a stalker! ... and that reminds me of the dots and dashes ... so here is wat i mean ...

- .... .. ... .. ... .--- ..- ... - .- - . .- ... . .-. --- ..-. .-- .... .- - .. -- .. --. .... - -... . -.. --- .. -. --. .. -. - .... . ..-. ..- - ..- .-. . .--. --- ... - ... .- -. -.. .... --- .--. . ..-. ..- .-.. .-.. -.-- -- --- .-. . --- ..-. - . -. .- -. -.. .-- .. - .... -- --- .-. . .-. .- --.. --.. -- .- - .- --.. --.. .-.. . - ... -.-. .. ..-. .. -.-. .- -. -.- . . .--. - .... . -- --- -- . -. - ..- -- - .... . --- -. .-.. -.-- .--. .-. --- -... .-.. . -- .. ... - .... .- - .. -.. ..- -. -. --- .. ..-. - .... . .--. ..- -. -.-. - ..- .- - .. --- -. .-- .. .-.. .-.. .-- --- .-. -.-

and boy oh boy! i need a WYSIWYG!!! this took me more than time than i thought i wud... y? coz this stupid html editor wud ignore the 'pipe' operator and with the converter all the 'spaces' were ignored ... and i had to manually add it so that if any curious person uses this sleek converter (s)he must not have to bang his/her head on a wall! but still it's not working! this was a momentary fun then and if i can get a workaround this bug... my posts are going to be a lot more worth reading! ...

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